Predictive Dialer

Predictive Dialer Software by using some mathematical calculation predicts agent average time it will take for phone calls. This will show agents availability and help in adjusting the call dialing rate according to it
Our dynamic and advanced predictive dialer software program helps you handle irregular calls with the utmost accuracy. The software automatically switches outbound call agents to inbound calls at the time of increasing call volume when agents are free. In such conditions, our predictive dialer system helps the professionals deal with the congestion. Now there is no need to get stuck with the time-consuming procedure, our advanced predictive dialer software system saves your time.
A Predictive Dialer is a most useful dialer software as it handles multiple calls and provides a better report which helps in further queries. This Dialer software will make your team more flexible, which can reach more customers in less time period. It also works as an autodialer, but the thing which makes it different from Auto Dialer software is that it dial multiple numbers at the same time. Dialing multiple calls at a time will lead to interact with multiple users at a time..
Predictive Dialer Software by using some mathematical calculation predicts agent average time it will take for phone calls. This will show agents availability and help in adjusting the call dialing rate according to it
Predictive Dialer saves agents time by connecting only answered calls to live agents. This will save the waiting time of both customer as well as agents.
Predictive Dialer has the capability that it can connect multiple call at a time. Dialing multiple call will lead to interact with multiple users at a time and provide more profit.
The Predictive Dialer is more reliable for the agents as it decreases the workload of the agents. Allow agents to work freely with proficiency by skipping the dialing procedure.
The Predictive dialer is cost-effective dialer software. It will save you from buying any other extra hardware component and you just have to pay monthly rent and no extra cost.
Vert-Age Predictive dialer software is able to skip answering machines, unanswered phone numbers, voice messages etc. It connects your agent to the live person.
CRM transfers your calls to the dialer easily. Agents can pick or skip calls according to their prospect information on their desktop.
You can schedule the time and the particular number of retries to increase the answer rate.
Predictive Dialer Software dials lots of numbers for an agent when agent is about to disconnect the last call. Manager can set the pacing ratio to increase the agent productivity which is based on the agent's call handling process. .
Call Center Managers can create and manage multiple campaigns from a single login and also can customize the marketing campaigns as per their own need with the help of Predictive Dialer.
Predictive dialer is designed for generating new relevant leads which are handled by different marketing campaigns.